Over the past 20 years of operating, Blue Sky Clothing has been practicing the “Three Kind” Value: Kind to the people who make our clothes, Kind to the environment, Kind to all body types. Just like how we prefer natural fibres, we believe that pictures naturally tell the facts. The following photos taken on our tour to the origin of our products will do the storytelling of Blue Sky Clothing’s ethical practices. (All the photos were taken before COVID-19.)
Local Indonesian employee packing Blue Sky clothes.
Two Bali seamsters and our natural rayon fabrics.
Marilyn visits seamsters and textile makers in Sichuan.
Marilyn, Sunny the Bamboo manufacturer (wearing a white top) and her team behind a sewing machine.
The Bamboo seamsters and textile makers.
Team gathering in a local restaurant after work.
Two herders and the high mountain goats in Mongolia.